The New Wholesome
Laughing Alone with Salad
Modest By The Sea
Future Growth Approximations
3D Models
Jogging x Gallery Girls
TOP ARTISTS this week
Anne de Vries' work offers access to our entanglement with technology; its material and symbolic origins, its influence on our sense of social reality, its socio-political implications, and its future potentials.
Ian Cheng is an artist, director, and aspiring centenarian.
Timur Si-Qin's work explores the materiality of reality. Born 1984 Berlin, grew up in Arizona, lives and works in Berlin.
Dora Budor's work reinterprets universal behavioral and aesthetic patterns coming from entertainment industry and corporate environments.
alternating between the fashion and art worlds, Max Farago is mostly known for his contributions to W, Vogue Paris and Dazed & Confused
Katja Novitskova's love for The Lion King has been a major influence in her life and work.
Jogging is a collaborative art group and open submission Tumblr founded in 2009.
Frank Benson is a New York based contemporary artist working in sculpture and photography
DIS is a group of cultural producers living and working in New York.
Born in United Kingdom. Lives in London.
Shawn Maximo is an artist and designer working in New York City.
Anicka Yi and Jordan Lord are both artists and writers, based in New York.
The New Wholesome
Gaffer Baby
Hee Jin Kang and Francis Carlow
Night at the Bodega
Frank Benson
Keep It Cute
Anicka Yi and Jordan Lord
Tissue Stock
Fatima Al Qadiri and Khalid al Gharaballi
Laughing Alone with Salad
Maja Cule
Modest By The Sea
Frank Benson
Neighboring Interests
Shawn Maximo
Timur Si-Qin
New Fragrance Options
Dora Budor
How Much Is That Intern In The Window?
Josh Kline
Future Growth Approximations
Katja Novitskova
Full-Bodied and Well-Balanced
Smiling at Art
Max Farago
Hi / Low
Bryan Dooley
Flow States
Boru O'Brien O'Connell
Durability, Protection, Comfort
Harry Griffin
Stock Fantasy Ventures
Andrew Norman Wilson
Exchange Material
Anne de Vries
3D Models
Ian Cheng
Frustrated Painters
Bea Fremderman
Jogging x Gallery Girls
Alterna Stock
Battery Life Sightseeing
Analisa Bien Teachworth
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- strippers laughing eating salad
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Tag: Wind Machine
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